HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is one of the core components of the World Wide Web. It lets you create a webpage with simple text commands that you can write in a basic text editor such as Window's NotePad. HTML uses tags - cryptic words or abbreviations enclosed in angle brackets that tell the browser how to display information on the page. Tags must be opened tag and closed /tag.
HTML is one of the core components of the World Wide Web. It's used to create the structure of web pages and websites that are displayed on your browser. It contains Tags and Attributes that can be used to make the web page look as you want it to.
The head tag is where you put information about the document that doesn't display outside the document itself. This includes things like the title of your document, keywords and a description that will appear in search results, CSS to style our content, character set declarations and other meta information.
The head tag must always be followed by a body tag. The body tag is where you put the actual content of your document that will be displayed on your browser. It can include everything from paragraphs to images and media and much more. The body tag must always be followed by a closing /body tag. This closes the container for the document's body.
The body tag contains the actual content of the web page. This is where you put all the text and images you want to appear on your webpage. This is where you will also learn about HTML elements that make up the structure of a document and that can be styled with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).
There are many different types of HTML elements, but most of them are classified as block-level or inline-level. By default, block elements start on a new line and take up the entire width of the browser window. Inline-level elements do not start on a new line and can be nested within other element tags. For example, paragraph elements are nested inside p tags. Unordered lists are nested inside ul tags, while ordered lists are nested inside ol tags.
Footers are elements on the bottom of a web page that contain important information for visitors, such as a contact form or newsletter sign-up. They can be created in a variety of ways, from simple to more complex. In this curated collection, we've included some of our favorite questions about html footer examples, from those that keep it minimalist and clean to those that include some fancy animations.
Although most people think of a footer as a part of the end of a web document, they can also be placed at the top or within any section of a document. In this example, the footer tag is contained within the body element. To display the footer, we use CSS. The first ruleset creates a class called footer-text-left, which will be used to style the text in the footer. It is set to float left and given the word-spacing attribute to grant some extra space between words. This is a common practice in web design to support accessibility for users with screen readers.
Images make web pages more interesting, whether it's a vacation photo or an illustration. You can include them in your HTML page using the image tag img. This is an empty tag, so it doesn't have a closing tag like a paragraph does (p).
The img tag has two attributes - src and alt. src specifies the path to the image file. The alt attribute provides descriptive text if the browser can't display an image. If you want to change the position of an image within the page, use the align attribute. The value can be left, center or right.