If you've already decided to make money online and you are at the beginning you should consider that affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to make money online. You basically have to promote the products of other companies, and you'll be paid as a commission for each sale or lead that reference to them.
Choosing between CPS and CPA
In terms of specific charges,affiliate marketing gathers two forms: cps tester and CPA.In order to obtain the best results and make money online with affiliate marketing,would not be bad to be used separately depending on some factors which will be discussed immediately...
CPS means cost per sale, and this model brings to you a commission when a visitor sent by you,on merchant's web page,make a purchase. Commissions for CPS range from $10 to $100 or more...
CPA stands for cost per action, and under this internet marketing type, you will earn a commission each time a visitor see the merchant's website forced to perform an action such as filling out a survey or submitting his e-mail. Each CPA earning range from $0.50 to $2.
Which model to choose? Depending on your skills...If you are good at generating web traffic, then the CPA model might work better for you because the conversion rates are naturally rich with these offers, as visitors will not have to spend money and so you will be easier for you to make money online with affiliate marketing.
If you're good on writing, however, the cps tester model might work better. If you have the "power" to convince people to buy, you do not need much web traffic for making a good amount of money.
Find the best offer
If you chose the CPA marketing, you'll have to join a CPA network. One of the best in the world is Max Bounty,with a wide range of campaigns and good payments. Once your account is active, simply browse their marketplace and compare the offers you can promote. Remember that bids on a niche that you are familiar with should get your wish since you will be able to promote them more easily (either by leveraging your existing website / contact, or write new content related to the offer).
If you selected the CPS model, you need to make a further choice. So you need to decide if you want to promote information products (such as ebooks and training programs) or physical goods and services.For promoting digital products, the first affiliate program you should join is ClickBank. If you want to promote physical goods, however, you can join Amazon Associates.