Best Gajak, Chikki Manufacturer & Supplier in Indore

Best Gajak, Chikki Manufacturer & Supplier in Indore

Are you looking for a Gajak/ Chikki manufacturer, Gajak/ Chikki supplier in Indore?

We at Shahi Food Products, Gwalior are committed, passionate and devoted to manufacture the best Gajak and Chikki with high quality ingredients. Shahi Food Products are available in Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra and few more three and two tier cities of India… Shahi Food Products has left a lingering taste on the tongues of every food connoisseur.

We, as a team, are growing. But we need your help to expand. We are looking for distributors or dealers and super stockists in Indore to stock our high-quality range of Gajak and Chikki to make you part of our growth story.

Shahi Food Products, Gwalior comes with a recognition as best Gajak/ Chikki manufacturer and sup[plier in India, which assures customer’s Trust and experience. Be a part of Shahi Food Products eco system today.

Shahi Food

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