Explanation of the term para-mining

There is always a risk that the value of tokens, which uninformed investors have managed to buy in large numbers, will fall. Therefore, it is possible to use para-mining, but it will be a risky way to get crypto-income.

What is para mining

This process is somewhat similar to steaming: when a user purchases and freezes the coins of a particular blockchain project, he receives a reward. Payouts are often made in the same cryptocurrency that was frozen (stored in the account without use).

As a result, the miner receives passive income in the form of digital assets. The more coins are blocked, the more the user earns from stealing. The peculiarity of para-mining is that in addition to freezing tokens, you need to attract new users.

At the end of the day, these 2 tools provide the income:

 -  standard stealing;

 -  attracting people who will buy the project's cryptocurrency.

This structure of para-mining is due to its key task - to attract as much attention to the new crypto-project as possible.

The part where you need to attract other people to get more income is very similar to the principle of financial pyramids. That is the reason why many users do not trust such mining methods because pyramids are associated with deception, sudden cessation of payments, and the same rapid disappearance of the creators of the project who enriched themselves.

Here you should also take into account that the crypto market itself has high risks. The project may not be a pyramid, but it also will disappear after a while, or almost completely depreciate. Even conscientious companies often do not withstand competition in this segment.

There is always a risk that the value of tokens, which uninformed investors have managed to buy in large numbers, will fall. Therefore, it is possible to use para-mining, but it will be a risky way to get crypto-income.

The most effective options include participating in pools, building a farm, or buying an ASIC. Although some cryptocurrencies can be mined even on laptops and smartphones. But in any case, such devices have a low level of efficiency.
I also want to share that genesis mining returns. They made an official block announcement that the Chinese government is returning all video cards which they took away due to too high power consumption.


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